Small talk is a very important part of socializing in English. Learn all about Small Talk below!
What is Small Talk?
Small talk is light conversation with a person you are not acquainted with. Canadians and Americans love to make small talk in all sorts of situations... even with complete strangers in an elevator! It's a very important part of socializing in English. Learning about small talk will allow you to understand more about the language and culture, too.
Subjects of Small Talk
The subjects of small talk are light and unimportant.
The most common topic of small talk in Canada and America is definitely the weather!
Purpose of Small Talk
There are four main reasons we use small talk...
1. to be friendly
For Example: your cashier at the grocery store may begin small talk with you to be friendly and pass the time quicker
2. to make an uncomfortable situation more comfortable / while waiting for something to happen
For Example: someone may begin small talk with you while standing next to you in a long line-up or queue
3. to fill an awkward silence
For Example: someone may begin small talk with you while standing inside an elevator together
4. to lead into a more serious discussion
For Example: your doctor may begin with small talk before telling you about your examination results
Jenny Mae